Meet the team

Committed to healthy calves

Anna Vanderberg

Farmer's Daughter & Herd Care Manager

Our oldest daughter, Anna, plays an essential role at HeadStart Dairy. Anna has a diploma in Dairy Science. She is responsible for working with our herd health advisors like the veterinarian and nutritionist to make critical decisions on how to best manage our livestock. She works closely with our cow and calf managers to make sure everything is running smoothly. Anna’s true passion is the calves and has been very successful at turning around the health of their calves since graduating from her Dairy Science program. She also enjoys teaching our new team members the HeadStart way!

Joe Calvin

New Hire

Joe Calvin is a new member of our team. He grew up in a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada and has always had a passion for animals. He hopes to one day attend vet school to become a large animal veterinarian. Since he is new to the dairy industry, he thought it would be wise to get his boots on the ground around livestock before pursuing his veterinarian dream. He is most excited to learn more about taking care of (and keeping track of) newborn calves.

Jorge Vasquez

Calf Manager

Jorge has been around HeadStart Dairy for more than 20 years. Jorge grew up on his family farm in Torreón, Mexico. He started as just a night employee working in the calving pen, and today he manages our calf hutches and maternity barn. He is an accountable, trustworthy individual, who makes sure HeadStart Dairy is running smoothly, and he’s not afraid to jump in and help wherever is needed. He and his wife, Maria, have four children who love spending time with the calves, too. We are so grateful to have Jorge as a part of our operation and consider him part of our family.

Dr. Eric Jones


Dr. Eric Jones has been the trusted veterinarian for HeadStart dairy since 2005. “Doc” works with our team to help find the best solutions for our herd that are effective and work within our budget. He stops by several times each month to check in on things around the dairy. He has helped us overcome several health challenges on our farm, including the health of our valued calves. With his help, no problems go unnoticed or unsolved. Doc spent many years working as the herd veterinarian on large dairy operations in California, USA.  Doc is also the herd veterinarian for the farm down the road and has helped with their calves' post day one feeding program.

Pon and Jan Vanderberg


Pon and Jan Vanderberg are the farm owners. They founded HeadStart Dairy together in 1990 after moving from the Netherlands from their own family farms.  They have 3 children and are grateful that their oldest daughter Anna has stepped up to run the farm with them. They value productive, feed efficient animals that will give them the best return for their investment. They realized years ago that the key to a productive cow starts with a healthy calf. Through this vision, they have become extremely successful business owners.